The Urxed - Seeing It As You Really Are
The Urxed - Seeing It As You Really Are

PELLYVISION is a monthly cohesion of sound and vision. Alex Pelly creates live video to accompany sounds from an artist of her choosing. Make sure to check out the live video stream on our homepage by clicking the live video button!

With an unwavering love for the underground bass movement at the core of her artistry, Sha Sha Kimbo is a DJ, producer and bonafide raver from Los Angeles, California. As exemplified by her signature sound and style, Sha Sha has a championed ability to draw endless amounts of inspiration from the ’90s rave scene and intertwine a modern, future-forward perspective. This has since become a dedicated pillar of her productions and DJ sets alike, garnering a hard-earned reputation as a respected selector known for explosive, high-energy sets.

Alex Pelly is a Canadian filmmaker and video artist. She is currently immersed in video art that blends modular synthesis, analog feedback, and digital animation. Pelly came up through dublab, beginning to develop her analog process during the years of Top Tape, dublab’s monthly night at the Hyperion Tavern, where she mixed VHS tapes to accompany music mixed on cassette tapes. She is resident visualist for music series Perpetual Dawn, and provides live visuals and installation work for various shows, music nights and art happenings around Los Angeles.

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