dublab presents the Sounds of Now
dublab presents the Sounds of Now

dublab's 24th Anniversary


dublab celebrated 24 years of future roots radio with a 24 hour party and broadcast, live from the Music Center Plaza in Downtown LA. The party began at 6pm on Friday, September 29, 2023, and went til 6pm on Saturday the 30th.

If there’s an aligning theme to the varied catalog of Suzanne Kraft, it’s that instrumental passages can be as lyrical as traditional songs. Perhaps it’s down to the unfussed energy of his hometown, Los Angeles, that Kraft—real name Diego Herrera—has easily navigated through a prolific decade of solo records and collaborations encompassing dance tracks, various mutations of mannered pop and a myriad of downtempo & electroacoustic experiments.

Thank you to our listeners for 24 years of free-form, future roots radio! Please consider supporting the station by sending a one-time donation or by becoming a sustaining member.

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