Flight Club

Flight Club explores dance music in modern Los Angeles, where it was formed. It’s a sort of ceremonial goodbye party before boarding an inaugural flight to distant lands in upcoming episodes. Tune in to get acquainted with your hosts Beau, Ashla, Jake and Qu’ran.
Flight Club began as a joke between crew members of dublab’s ongoing performance series at LAX. Over many months, cavernous airport corridors narrated by dublab’s ever evolving music curation served as an aeomebic cess pool for which Beau, Ashla, Jake and Qu’ran could forge a most charming alliance. Their co-working banter, increasingly unhinged, initially led them to a dangerous airplane themed gang concept, and eventually to the less legally frought DJ collective idea. “How about a radio show that’’s actually a virtual audio vacation?” Flight Club passengers are welcomed on such psychonautic voyages. Expect crash landings in unique music scenes around the world and with a focus on dance music- fear not for your life though, but rather for your body’s stillness, for it cannot survive in these flying conditions.
Cromie – River
Avalon Emerson- Rotting Hills
Mor Elian – Radical Spectacular
Eprom- Untitled Emotional Acid
Spike Hellis – Mouth
europa – danielfromyesterday
BLEM – strangejane
Cake a Blow – Nikes, MoonDoctoR, FreshtillDef
SGV – Drumcell, Chris Liebing, Truncate
Condition – Nosaj Thing, Toro y Moi
Horoscope – Suzanne Kraft
Pari – Aurat
Japan-Japan – Loverboyrando
90 West – ATM
Kara do – acajou
Bae bae – been like this
Xyla – Narcissus
Sage introspekt – work me gahdammit (one more time)
Acey – Dance with me right now
Ras G & the Afrikan Space Program – Dance of the cosmos
Saturn Skylin – Optic core
Georgia Anna muldrow – Gettin it
Truncate – Basement Tool
Lucas Heaven – Every City Had A Rhythm
Sextile – CRASSY MEL (AirBall Electo mix)
Panther Modern – Top Energy
Sextile – Contortion
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith & Emile Mosseri – Shim Sham