Chechi - The More You Look: Please Set Me At Ease
Chechi - The More You Look: Please Set Me At Ease

questionbox: community


So, well, questionbox is a show that is a bunch of questions that we are always asking people because questions are a great spice of life and lead to ultimate discoveries so thats the journeyyte that we are on. hatt asks these questions—each show holds a new question and then the music is about those questions, those answers, those different directions that we are motivated towards.

This month’s questionbox is dedicated to the dublab membership drive. If you have not signed up for a dublab membership and you are already a listener you should really consider supporting this important community that exists for everyone to ear eat from. Oh, community, yes that is where we exist in and with. All the people that are around us. The dublab community is such an important space in the positive sphere that breaths life into the city of Los Angeles. Consider learning more and supporting this station.

We went around and asked questions to people about the communities and places that some people like to spend their time. The show starts out with a manipulated conversation between Qur’an and hatt over a reworked track from 3lilbz. You can find the track here.


Qur’an Shaheed – Mixing Colors (3lilbz Rework)

Dan Szuhay’s community
The Shadow Ring — Remembering Old Friends

Beachman’s community
Bilal Salaam — Our Art Ark
Framed Ophelia — Swarm Intelligence
Domestic Exile — I Don’t Want To Join A Cult

Carlos’ community
Todd Fletcher — A Part of City

Claire’s community
Silver Leaf — Can We Rebuild Our City?
Joe Mubare — Party (Private Scream)

Paul’s community
F Ingers — Orgy In The Country Homestead With Friends and Bondage

Pete Bambas’ community
Faune — Las Femnas de Pels Puèchs
LightDreams — Building Island Spaces
The Amber — Friend
Soft Eyes — We’re All Aliens
White Light — Where Did I Belong?

Dennis’ community
Warlus — Hello My Friend
Friends — You Need Friends
Jerry Blaine — Another Hundred People

Gabe’s community
Don Cherry — Butterfly Friend
Proyecto A — Somos 3

Reggie Watts’ community
Mary Ann — New Friend

Issac’s community
Ed Legare — You’re A Special Friend of Mine
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