5 Years of being Harcore'n the Positive way

Welcome to the Hardcore Positive™ listening service. A monthly 2 hour broadcast extravaganza presented by Melbourne transplant Francis Inferno Orchestra. Have you ever looked up into the cosmic realm and wondered, who am I?.. and.. how do I live a Hardcore Positive™ lifestyle? The answers you seek lie beyond the veil as we invite you to eat the flowers of our paradise. Dive in the first tuesday of each month to begin your journey to higher hardcore consciousness.
well, well… blink and you’ll watch the years go by… it’s been 5 years since I was graciously given the helm of starting HP by the lovely Rachel at dublab at the old vermont studio. since then I’ve managed to keep it afloat even while being stranded in Australia for a couple of years during that dam-demic, I’ve had great guests, a couple of longform interviews and truckload of great music jammed through the digital airwaves but in freakishly hard posi fashion, a piece of luck landed on my plate when one my best lads, Superconscious Records co-parent (our label) and all around australian deejay legend Fantastic Man happened to wanna visit me in LA when I had planned to record this episode. He came through played righteous and strange dazzlers and we had a lot of a fun. Thank you for tuning in for 5 years. May the lord bless every single one of you.