Hardcore Positive

Welcome to the Hardcore Positive™ listening service. A monthly 2 hour broadcast extravaganza presented by Melbourne transplant Francis Inferno Orchestra. Have you ever looked up into the cosmic realm and wondered, who am I?.. and.. how do I live a Hardcore Positive™ lifestyle? The answers you seek lie beyond the veil as we invite you to eat the flowers of our paradise. Dive in the first tuesday of each month to begin your journey to higher hardcore consciousness.
This episode of Hardcore Positive features a guest appearance which has been a long time in the works… DJ Hermano! – I first met Hermano in Bogota while on tour once and had once of the craziest gig experiences in all my years playing at the legendary Video Club. Since forming a beautiful little friendship that trip we’ve stayed in touch over the years, played a few shows together when we could make it work and even done some time in the studio together, He’s just come off the back of playing Camp Caftan on the weekend so no doubt he will have some fun stuff to play on the show I’m sure of it