dublab presents the Sounds of Now
dublab presents the Sounds of Now

Main activities: Curator & Producer; Lecturer & Publisher; Author & Editor; occasional exhibitions, installations and performances… He has been running the audio-visual label Touch for 30 years and in this period has acquired much experience and information on disseminating cultural sounds to a wider audience. Since 1982: Touch, with Jon Wozencroft [senior lecturer in the Department of Communication & Design at the Royal College of Art, London] – www.touch33.net Mike has curated and produced many events in the last 30 years, including the 25th and 30th anniversary events, Touch 25, Touch.30, and also Touch presents…, Touch invites… and Ash 13 events. He also curates, with the organist Charles Mathews, Spire – a performance event which explores the acoustics of remarkable buildings, especially cathedrals and churches, such as York Minster, Lincoln, Geneva and Brussels Cathedrals and others – www.spire.org.uk

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