
Scentless Apprentice
4-part radio show, broadcasting live on Tuesdays.
With Maxwell Williams
1st episode: Foul Play.
For the living, perfume can make the nose feel positively filled with vitality, but it also has a deep history with the other side.
Special guests: Richard Carradine (Founder, Ghost Hunters of Urban Los Angeles), Nuri McBride (Academic/Advocate/Writer, DeathScent.com), Dr. Kara Cooney & Robyn Price (Egyptologists, UCLA); Simon Niedenthal (Associate Professor of Interactive Design, Malmö University); Florian Rabeau (Co-Founder, Kalain); Marcel van Brakel (Co-Founder, Polymorf)
Scented Bops: Rammstein “Du Reichst So Gut”
Scentless Apprentice is a bricolage radio program featuring a concoction of interviews, true stories, tall tales, and cultural oddities explored through the lens of scent. Each episode explores the world of perfumery and other nasal-centric concerns through a single topic. Host Maxwell Williams will be broadcasting live every Tuesday night at Mediamatic’s sunny Panorama Studio, for the first aromatic radio show, anywhere, ever.
In partnership with The Institute for Art and Olfaction, Mediamatic and dublab.
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