christeeeene w/Fanny Chiarello – Cherry Custard
Monday January 22, 2024
05:00 PM to 06:00 PM

Fanny Chiarello writes novels, poetry and children's literature, edited by numerous renowned French publishers. She co-founded the experimental music label and micro-press Permanent Draft with percussionist Valentina Magaletti. Under the same name, they perform as a drums and poetry duo.
Many of the guests in cherry custard come into mixing via non-traditional routes (filmmaking, curation, writing, performance, poetry, and so on), so it only felt right to cast a spotlight over those who have inspired host christeeeene's experimental artistic practice so far. Not only those that use mixes within their visual practice, but those who use words to inform their mixing. The reader, the writer, the artist, the activist, the poet and performer; they’re all here and they’re all cherries.