Salon Recordings presents Say Less
Salon Recordings presents Say Less

This mix includes excerpts from the Tonalism event that happen at the Center for the Arts Eagle Rock in July 2011. The event included DJ mixes and live performances by Damion Romero, Julia Holter, SFV Acid, Lucky Dragons, Warner Jepson, Joseph Hammer, Ale, Frosty, Jimmy Tamborello, Carlos Nino, Aaron Drake, Hoseh, Katie Byron, Lavenders, Nanny Cantaloupe, Sam Cooper, Scott Cazan, Suzanne Kraft, and Matthew David. The mix is not in a particular order but it does provide a glimpse at the music presented throughout the night. (You can check out Julia Holter’s performance by itself here)

Tonalism is s dusk-to-dawn event inspired by La Monte Young’s “Dream House” as well as the work of musicians and composers such as Terry Riley, Yoko Ono and John Cage. Tonalism combines harmonious textures in a surround sound system with visual elements to create an atmosphere where the audience is encouraged to bring pillows, cushions and sleeping bags to lay down, listen and watch for an extended period of time. DJs, live musicians and video artists play and perform throughout the night; starting at sunset and ending at sunrise.

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