dublab presents the Sounds of Now
dublab presents the Sounds of Now

The Quarantine Tapes: A week-day program from Onassis LA and dublab. Hosted by Paul Holdengräber, the series chronicles shifting paradigms in the age of social distancing. Each day, Paul calls a guest for a brief discussion about how they are experiencing the global pandemic.

About episode 015:

“Time doesn’t fly – it bounds and leaps – I keep thinking about that… Our sense of time is distorted. It particularly seems distorted right now. You know I know 7 people who have died in the last 10 days from the virus – 5 of them from the virus and 2 from old age. It seems like it’s an avalanche of loss and it makes me feel that time is going too fast. You used to get time to process a loss and a death and it’s not happening right now.”

Rosanne Cash, singer, songwriter, author and daughter of Johnny Cash, speaks very openingly on today’s episode of the grief she is experiencing following the death of some of her closest friends, including songwriter John Prine who passed on Tuesday due to complications with Covid -19. She speaks of kindness to oneself and others during this difficult time. The episode concludes with a moving Acapella of Rosanne Cash’s “7th Avenue” sung over the phone for all of us to enjoy.

“We all have to allow ourselves a moment to just distract ourselves and do mindless things because it’s just too much to try to live through this process and then do your work and then do something creative and then deal with the guilt of not doing something creative… I think we have to be really kind to ourselves right now. Even with what I just said about grief and creativity… It will come!”

Image: Rosanne Cash hugging John Prine. She is mourning John Prine today.

This episode was recorded on 8 April 2020.


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