Richard Fearless w/Orson - Metal Box
Richard Fearless w/Orson - Metal Box

Emmett Kelly and his sound posse The Cairo Gang rumbled into Los Angeles in a dual power sound formation with Joshua Abrams’ Natural Information Society. We were lucky enough to circulate with this crew two days in a row as we co-presented their show at The Del Monte Speakeasy then caught up with them for back to back live “Sprout Sessions” as part of our Fall 2012 “Proton Drive” Fundraiser broadcasts. This was an extra special dublab broadcast hosted in the audio equipment dreamland Vintage King Los Angeles. The Cairo Gang set is a thing of sheer beauty. It starts softly then builds into a roaring wall of gorgeous noise. Get on the the good glide now by pressing play.

Thanks to VKLA for hosting the session, and to Arvel from Empty Cellar Records for initiating the opportunity for sonic engagement with Emmett & Co. Check out their release of The Cairo Gang’s recent LP The Corner Man.


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