Chandler Poling w/The Flight - Studio Soundtracks
Chandler Poling w/The Flight - Studio Soundtracks

A monthly journey through the record collections, leaving no good genre unturned, enjoy two hours of esoterica, conversation and guests.

glyn maier is our special guest on this month’s tipping point. the n carolina based enmossed label head/artist has turned in an hour’s worth of treats from the label and beyond for all of our listening enjoyment.


wrecked lightship ‘lagoon’ – drained strands [peak oil]
squu & voice actor ‘neck’ – lust(1) [stroom]
gombeen & doyen ‘prada’ – wino-gd2 [wah wah wino]
klaus & mount kimbe ’the people took’ [unreleased]
african-american sound recordings ‘embouchere’ – hits of ash [d.o.t. audio art]
hysterical love project ‘robbery’ [self released]
cahl sel ‘wishbone’ – blue ep [reflective]

tedi – “peru (zesknel remix)” [vodkast]
leo – “funicular” – dissipating heavily [youth]
general minerali – “only liquid” – remote snail [mind controlled rectifier]
zesknel – “conviction” – fly (with conviction) [mind controlled rectifier]
hieroglyphic being – “this is the right time in human history 2 be stupid” [natural sciences]

Artists in order of appearance:
Glyn Maier**
Jake Muir*
Ned Milligan
Irv Teibel
Eduardo Polonio
Nick Klein
Sumire Yoshihara
Kara-Lis Coverdale + LXV
bad lsd trips*
Beatriz Ferreyra
Patrick Gallagher
若山胤雄社中 (Wakayama Taneo’s Bayashi Ensemble)
Hiroyuki Onogawa
Satsuki Shibano plays Erik Satie
Oscilation Circuit

* = from upcoming enmossed release
** = field recordings from La Palma + Tenerife appear throughout the mix
*** = demo version from upcoming Somewhere Press release

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