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The show will invite artists and musicians in for an improvisation session. This maybe with the host or it could be two random strangers with the host mediating the process. The first 5-15 minutes being, a discussion on how to approach the session. Do we discuss what key we want to start with, a theme, or just go all out free? After a 30 minute session, a post-discussion about the experience. Did it turn out the way we discussed in the beginning, what is the difference of measure from intention to execution, and what interesting interactions occurred and what kind of thoughts or feelings went through the players. The show will also be accompanied with four 15 minute mixes of music.
This month’s episode features audio on Palestine in the first section, followed by Carl Stone’s career and musical journey in the second section.
Raz Segal – Textbook case of Genocide
Judith Butler – Condemns Genocide in Gaza
Ilhan Omar – Where is your Humanity
Benzi Sanders – Ex-Israeli soldier’s accounts and opinion
Rabbi Yisroel David Weiss – Explaining Judaism and the difference with Zionism
Edward Said – Palestinian American Academic, on the history and personal accounts of Israel and Palestine
Ilan Pappe – Israeli Historian participating in the debate, “Is Anti Zionism Anti Semitism”
Gabor Mate – On Palestine and Israel, prejudice
YH Hong – Discerning AI bias on the issues of Israel Palestine conflict
Democracy Now – Henk Zanoli return the Medal of Honor back to Israel (for saving Jewish children during the holocaust)
Noam Chomsky – Cruel than the Apartheid
Hanan Ashram – Where is your moral outrage?
Fabio Fabor – Idolo Moresco
Stefano Torossi – L’uomo e la Natura
James Harpham – Flower Garden
Pete Townsend – Let My Love Open the Door (E. Cola Mix) (excerpt)
James Chance – Don’t Stop till You Get Enough
Conway Brothers – Over and Over again
Bix Beitelman – The Voyage Home
Rob Shinno – Humanize the Machine