Ill Camille x Jesse Fairfax - The Sweeter the Juice
Ill Camille x Jesse Fairfax - The Sweeter the Juice

Bubblegum & Other Delights


Writers Becky Ebenkamp and Nikki Kreuzer (Imagine Betty and Veronica without that pesky Archie to fight over…) are the pop culture pundits who serve as your musical apologists on Bubblegum & Other Delights,’s Sunday night radio show dedicated to the much-maligned, sugary-sweet musical genre that is the true innocent victim of fake news. With humor, smarts and great attention to detail, the hosts lead listeners on a cruise through a candy land of sugary-sweet songs crafted by the Brill Building’s best and performed by pseudonym-slinging session musicians—tunes crammed full of innocence-sounding, double-entendre lyrics that melt in your mouth, not in your hands.

And don’t fret, diabetics, because the “Other Delights” portions of the show is reserved for power pop, soul, punk, novelty, garage, sunshine pop, psych, glitter rock and other complementary genres. Those who don’t see a common thread between the 1910 Fruitgum Company and the Ramones will soon as we pull it and seduce you with our guilty musical pleasures…

Fasten your seat belts—it’s gonna be a chewy ride!

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